Ants, Bed bugs, roaches, mice, rodents
Budget Bugs
Frederick Pest Control
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About Budget Bugs
Budget Bugs values your interest and greatly appreciate your comments regarding your infestations. Your input enables me to do a better job serving you and all citizens of Maryland. Your Input reflects me PLEASE BE POSITIVE .
Budget Bugs would love your feedback. Post a review to our profile.
Mark Kuipers
P.O. BOX 625
Mount Airy, Maryland 21771
Budget Bugs has been providing effective and environmentally safe pest control since 2003.
Licensed by Department of Agriculture for:
General Pest & Rodent Control
Ants, Bed Bugs, Beetles, Bees, Boxelder Bug, Caterpillars, Cicada Killers, Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas, Flies, Gnats, Hornets Pantry Pest, Rats, Mice, Mites, Mosquitoes, Sand Wasps, Stored Product Pest, Stink Bugs, Silver Fish, Ticks, Wasps, Yellow Jackets and any other Seasonal Insects)
Bed Bug Elimination Types
Chemical Application: Apply liquid treatment to control areas. Allow 7-14 day to Start affecting bug infestation
Thermal Heat: Chemical Free process to kill all stages of bed bugs in one application
Mosquito Management
Timely Barrier applications around dwelling throughout breeding season to control pest
Limitation on Liability
Budget Bugs, its employees, or assignees are not responsible for the possible poisoning of persons, pets and/or wildlife as a result of the pest control treatments, or as a result of any pest-related bites, stings or other injury. Budget Bugs is not obligated to repair, replace, or correct any damage to property caused by the pests.